Angola Luanda Mission
a Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

A Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

A Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013

 We went to the beach for a little bit. 
The waves were really big... it was alot of fun!

Starting from the left. Elders Stewart, Montegomery, Tingey, Money, Me, Garn, Chandler, Elder Hansen is on the groud with S. Merrill

Merkley, Montgomery, Chandler, Tingey, Garn in front of Money, Tilley,
Sister Merrill and Presidant Merrill laying Elder Hansen

We were in the house when we found out. We were planning and our branch mission leader called us and asked who the missionaries were that got assaulted. I asked what missionaries? He then said that a missionary got assaulted in Filda (Filda is where we live). At this point I realized that it was Elder Chandler and Elder Garn that got assaulted and I am about ready to bust out the door to go find them or something. But the branch mission leader said that they were already on the way to the hospital. So then I decided to call Elder Chandler´s phone, and some random Angolan answered the phone and I realized that the person I was talking to was the person who stabbed Elder Chandler, so then I had a few words to say to the man :) but he ended up hanging up on me. So I called President who was already at the hospital waiting for Elder Chandler and Elder Garn (they got a ride from a members husband that is our next door neighbor). President said he talked to Elder Chandler and he seemed all right. He got stabbed a couple of times, but there was only two marks on him. One was a puncture whole on his spine, the other was a pretty wide cut between his shoulder and back (he got three stitches on that cut). They would have been fine if they would have just given up their stuff (Elder Garn gave up his stuff freely) but Elder Chandler put up a little fight and so it ended up in him getting stabbed. He has already been transferred to Cassequel. We are doing fine, Elder Garn his still trying to recover because he basically almost watch Elder Chandler get stabbed to death, but he is doing well. Initially I was pretty upset, we are all working on forgiveness though:) I am not too scarred because if E C would not have resisted nothing would have happened so we are just a lot more aware of where we are at and things like that.

We went on a Safari today with our zone!

I do not think (I need anything). If (the belt) is a big hassle i think I can do without it till the end.

People who have baptismal dates for the 28th of September 
Lopes: He is Garcia and Fina´s Son
Anacleto: He is Beatrizes son. her "husband" is a member, but they are working on getting married, but the son will be baptized before beatrize is.
Slow: He has had (some) problems in the past, but he is doing really well... his mind is a little bit slow if you could tell from the nick name his family gave him (Slow they called him that because he was a little slow and it just stuck... really sad, but we are working on helping him see that he is a son of God!)
Avo: A reference from a member... he is soooo Awesome! Really strong testimony already... we taught him on Sunday and it was one of those lessons where the investigator goes from being an investigator to basically a member who is not baptized yet.
Wilson: He is denilons cousin... also really awesome kid... he is 19 years old
Mi and Chelsia: Mi is 13 and chelsia is 11, they are also references from members. We are teaching their entire family, but their family will not be ready for baptism for a while, but they are champs and have really strong testimonies...
Baptismal dates for the 12 of October
Helder: Another reference from a member that we are teaching... but still in the beginning stages with him.
Ivandro: reference from a member... Elder mariquele and I taught him once when we were together, but then we dropped him because lack of desire... but two weeks ago he came to church and wants help to change his life... we taught him the Word of Wisdom and he really like it..
The Lord is really blessing us alot... I think this is the best area I have had, but it has been a long road to get here as well. Our area has been none for the kind of crappy area that is really hard and the branch is very dysfunctional that just wears missionaries out, but we have had a few new members move into our branch and were put into leadership positions and our branch is one of the better functioning branches now our area is really exploding! It is a lot of fun.
Saturday there were baptisms for the other zone, but there was a baptism from our branch so we went to it. We got there and like usual people were running late.. so president said that we should just all sit down and listen to prelude. Howerever there was no one playing prelude and I noticed no one else really knew how to play... so I went and played the few hymns that I know and it was really good because when I started there was a lot of noise, but after a few minutes everyone stopped talking and just listened... (I thought it would have been really nerve racking, but it wasn’t and I was pretty calm) I played basically all the hymns I knew and repeated a couple as well while we were waiting, but it was a real blessing because I messed up maybe two times during the entire thing and the Spirit was present in the meeting.
Elder Garn and I have also been playing for the branch and last week I found a hymns made simple book, so right before the meeting started I looked at the hymns and they looked pretty easy (right hand only :)  So I played the first one, the opening hymn, and basically butchered it... so then basically during the entire meeting I practiced the closing hymn over and over (with the keyboard sound off) and the closing him was a lot better.
That is way cool what they did at the seminary building... I guess you can only get that kind of stuff in old hick towns:) really cool old hick towns that is:)
Sounds good to me with Braden and Chelsy (getting a house).
Agreed the Book of Mormon has really helped me so much on my mission as well! That is an interesting dream you had... I am not sure if I have any comments on it, but thank you so much for sharing that with me!
Love you Mom!!!
Your Son!
Elder Tilley

Love you so much Pops!
Thank you for reminding me of that story!
Love you 
Elder Tilley

I am so going to school you when I get back... just so you know!! 
I love you tons bro!
Elder Tilley

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