Angola Luanda Mission
a Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

A Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

A Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 2, 2014

1. Elder Fontaine and myself. He is really tall :) he says he is 6 foot 4
2. The Thompsons said they are not sure if they are going to go (to general conference) or not. They want to, but don’t know if they are going to be able to.
3. (We are) getting in shape, not having a competition (with pushups), all of us our district were doing it. Elder Whitaker and I have stopped for a little bit. Elder Tingey is still going, I will probably start pack up in a couple weeks again.
4.  It is just the way of presentation. A lot of times people do not understand that if our church is the true church then that means that other churches are false. Sometimes people think that since they are already baptized they don’t need to be baptized again. So sometimes you have to be really direct with people and tell them how it is so that they understand.  When Heavenly Father and Christ appeared to Joseph Smith, Christ told him that all other churches were false. Also when I said that we would tell him that his church was false, I did not mean to actually say that word for word, I just meant tell him that This is Christ´s church reestablished here on the earth... the only church that has the authority to baptized and perform ordinances. And by saying that what am I actually saying... I am actually saying that all other churches are false. So that is what I meant.
5.) As of right now yes (Eugenio is still getting baptized March 8). He came to church again this past week so that was great!
6.) Yep we actually have Jacob who will be baptized on Saturday. We were not sure if we should baptize him because he can only come to church every other week because of work. We were fasting and praying that he could change work, but then I talked to President Merrill and he counseled us to baptize him if he is coming to church every week that he can. So we had his baptismal date for the 15th and confirmation on the 16th but he had to work those days so we moved it up to the 8th and 9th of February. Also one of guilherme and florença´s daughters turns 8 today and so she will be baptized by her dad on Saturday as well.
7.) Unfortuanly the two people we were hoping for (possible Branch President’s) will not be able to. We were hoping that one or both of them would be moving here to Huambo this month or next month, but now neither of them will. Really sad...
8.) Dont worry about me (don’t send anything). Honestly I might not even get the package before I get home.
9.) Nope not yet (Grandma’s package)

This week we had several Miracles. One we had was with Eugenio. We got to his house he opened up the Book of Mormon and he had read all of 1 Nephi! He also marked several scriptures and we went through almost all of the scriptures he had marked and he explained to us why he liked those verses and sometimes even explained them to us! That was really cool. Then we had a lesson with a lady named Tania and we taught her and she is a very emotional lady and she had tears a few times and if I remember correctly she told us that she felt like God was kind of giving her another chance. Although my favorite of the week was we had a lesson with a guy named Chilembo and we taught the Plan of Salvation the second part of it "life after death" at one point we talked about how we can live with our families forever after this like and then he asked if he would be able to see his mother again (she apparently passed away) and then told him that he could and when I said that I saw a tear roll down his cheek! I also explained to him about Grandma Tilley and how I feel like I have a connection with her and that I know her really really well even though I have not met her on this earth and I told him that I knew I could live with my Grandma again! The Spirit in the lesson was very strong!!!
Love you guys!!

Elder Tilley

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