Angola Luanda Mission
a Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

A Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

A Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014 (only 14 days left in Huambo)

Me as the Ref!
1.) I would really like to see Elder Ritcher as well in Provo.
2.) Thanks
3.) They love this Restaurant called the Pie. It is a Pizza place in Salt Lake. I mentioned how I was going to go to Conference and so I asked if I should go to the Pie while I am there.
4.) well normally they play half court, but they had a team come from a neighboring town to play and so they were playing full court. They really wanted us to play with them, but we had to decline, but then they asked me if I would ref! That was a lot of fun! There was like 40-50 people here and the court echoes a lot so it got really loud and pretty intense! It was a lot of fun! I decided that I need to enter into a tournament with Josh right when I get back on the reservation... or at least something like that if they do not have any tournaments on the reservation.
5.) This guy one day ran up to us during the week to ask if we were from the church. So we talked for a little bit and gave him a restoration pamphlet and invited him to church. He ended up coming and not to my knowledge he talked with a couple people and said that he wanted to say something to the congregation. IlĂ­dio told him that things do not work like that and that he needs sit with the missionaries. So we sat with this man a little bit after church. Long story short it sounded like he had this vision and basically that vision told him that our church was false and that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. The lesson got pretty heated and then we ended up just standing up bearing our testimonies and explaining that he has his beliefs and we have ours. We were still talking as I opened the door to the room so that we could leave. He was a little bit out of the room and  he said "This Vision" referring to Joseph Smiths vision "did not come from God" At that point I got even more fired up and I do not remember if I was already gently pushing him or if that is when I started pushing him, but in the end I  was gently pushing him out of the church... thanking him for his time. Elder Fontaine and I were pretty fired up afterwards.
6.) We have one Domingos who’s baptism is for the 15th. We will see if he will be able to make that date though.
We are also teaching this woman named Tania she is really cool, but has to get married first. Her husband we have sat with a couple of times and he came the church, his name is Santos. We are also teaching Manuela and her daughter. She had a drinking problem and we almost dropped her, but she has stopped drinking and now is progressing. Her daughter Jandira has potential as well. Manuela has to get married as well though.
7.) I will probably leave Monday the 17th in the morning.
There Merrill’s will be coming down this weekend so that will be fun! 

(Mom) Sorry I could not write a lot last week. Pictures took awhile and I had some other issues with the church website I was using.
I have a few questions.
1.) Do you know what my Topic will be for my homecoming? Why is it on the 30th and not on the Sunday I get home? (To those reading…it was changed back to March 23 at noon… LDS church on Frye Rd.
2.) I am not sure what my facebook username and password is. Can you see if you can get on it? I think I left the information with Braden, but I dont know if he sitll has it. I dont want to give everyone my facebook name and then I am not able to get onto it when I get back.
Could you do the same with my email. I am not sure what email address I have at home either.  I think I have a cox account and two gmail accounts, but I dont know if they work anymore. So would you be able to get my email address for me and make sure that email address works so i can give it to people before I leave?
3.) Is there anything you want me to bring home with me that I went out with. I am planning on giving alot of stuff away, like the big rain jacket that I have that braden used on his mission, my umbrella, also my baptism\temple pants (they are Bradens I think that he took on his mission), and white tie, hangers, shirts and things like that. Are you ok with that? Is there anything you want me to bring home?

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