Angola Luanda Mission
a Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

A Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

A Mission Region of the Mozambique Maputo Mission

Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29, 2013

I forgot that last week was the last week before we talk. I will talk with President this week to see if we can use his ipad so we can use facetime. What time does your church start and what time does Josh's church start so I do not plan it during church. If you are awake could you respond to this so I can plan with President this week? Thanks

Yeah we had own Zone meeting on Wednesday and it went really well. Definitely went a lot better then we were planning. In our Zone we have a really great group of missionaries and so their was a lot of conversation going on and the Spirit was very strong! We based the training off of President Monson’s talk in Priesthood because he talked a lot about Missionaries. So he had 4 main points and the last one was teaching the gospel with love. So our training was based off of that. But we started by talking about our calling and how we are called of God by a prophet and we watched a few of the Bible films the church has and how he called the Apostles. Then we talked about love and who we need to love and things like that and then we led into service and how we can show our love by serving others. The Spirit was really strong because the missionaries really participated and had very strong great comments!

The area is going pretty well. We have tons of investigators, but it has been just really hard to get them to progress. However Adilson (from Viana) is getting married this week so hopefully I can get permission to go to their wedding! Also Inacio´s (from viana) daughter also accepted to be baptized which was really exciting! Inacio is a great missionary! I called him the other day and he told me that some of his family members are now sitting with the missionaries in Huambo! So that was exciting!

(Dad) Thanks for the email! You will definitely be in my prayers this week! thanks for being such a great father!! I love you so much!!
Love your Son! Elder Tilley

So I have tried to send pictures but the internet is really slow and it is not letting me. Sorry!

So one thing I thought I should share with you. So in Priesthood meeting I think it was Elder Callister talked about a story of his grandpa who when he was a young man his mother was really sick and so she called I think the bishop to come give her a blessing so he did, but she did not get better and then she asked her son to give her a blessing who was a newly ordained Elder if I remember right and he gave her a blessing and she immediately got better. Later he wrote in his Journal that he did not feel like Heavenly Father did not Honor the bishops blessing but Heavenly father just wanted to teach the young man that the power of the Priesthood in the boy is just as powerful as the priesthood in the man when used in Righteousness. As I thought about that, the story of Rachel and her baby coming right when she needed the baby to come came to my mind and then I thought that the prayers of a mother are just as powerful as the prayers of a missionary when used in Righteousness! Also we were able to watch conference this week end and I remember someone talking about how powerful a mothers prayer is! As I thought about these things I just want you to know that I feel that your prayers were sufficient for Rachel’s baby to come. It was not necessary that a missionary pray for her! I feel that your prayers are just as powerful if not even more powerful then mine! I just felt like I should share with you that and how you should give yourself more credit and know that your prayers are heard and answered by Heavenly Father!!
Love you Mom!

I love you so much Mom!!
Tell everyone hi for me!
Love you
Elder tilley
logging off

Hey bec I was wondering if you could do me a favor! So we are aloud to right friends now and so I was wondering if you could get me Fabian Finks email as well as Pratick as well as Chris Okawa. you should be able to find them on Facebook or I think Torrie Robinson would know.
Also their Is a friend on my facebook who is indian I can not remember his name but we were friends at Asu
Love you
Elder Tilley

From MaryLou Clifford to Tammy Montgomery and I (We are the 3 Arizona mom’s that have been getting together the longest and most often). . .
Kyle said that Elder Tilley had a split with them so he stayed the night at their apartment (to interview an investigator for them) and he said our 3 boys stayed up talking and it was pretty cool.  I thought that was pretty cool too!  :)

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